All Generations
Truth be told I wouldn’t be in this business if it weren’t for my Mom. She’s always an encourager and participant in what I’m doing. She’s always supported my endeavors and has always been a part of any business I’ve been involved in during my adult years.
When I ran The Flower Shop she was the 1stperson I hired on. She’s a great employee and sounding board when I need it. She’s taken well to my bossy ways and is always a key component to anything I’ve done.
I think I got my love for fabric and color from her. She’s always been a seamstress and loved home décor. I can’t remember a time at my house growing up when she wasn’t painting something or putting up wallpaper (when it was more affordable than paint) or making me a new bedspread. I truly think the love for color & texture of a house translates well to clothes.
I was the only girl so I’m sure I was dressed to the 9’s on most occasions. Unfortunately, I really just remember the few items she slaved over on the sewing machine for hours that I hated!
We love to shop together and more times than not we ended up in the dressing room trying on the same thing not knowing we had both picked the same item up while perusing the store. I think our taste is similar and we can wear the same item and just style it differently to fit our personalities.
I love when we’re open and she’s here and is able to see the full age spectrum of our customers. We’re selling Leggings for little girls, Tank Tops and Dresses to 20 somethings, Jeggings to Mama’s in their 30’s, Tunics and Jeggings for days to all our 40ish teachers and Jeggings to some of our ladies in their 50’s and 60’s. Age doesn’t matter it’s just about how you feel. All of our customers regardless of age love our Bralettes. Our clothes have no age limits and aren’t for a specific style or generation. You can make them your own. It makes me so happy to see so many different ages and body types wearing the same thing but styled to make it their own.
I always hate it when I’m with my mom and she asks “Am I too old for this”? NO! You’re never too old. Wear what you want and wear what makes you feel good. Nothing looks good if you don’t feel like yourself when you’re wearing it.
My GG (Grandma Flowers) was 100 when she died and even though she wasn’t leaving the house much or as mobile as she had been in the past, she always wanted to know what was new and what I had for her to wear. She loved our Leggings and would need a new pair each time she came over or I saw her. The next time I would see her she would have washed them and was handing them back to me as someone has said something about her being too old to wear them. It made me feel bad. Why? They are perfect for someone her age and such an easy wear. People can be so mean. I’m sure it was someone that wishes they could have had unlimited Leggings at their disposal as well but didn’t. This ruined the fun for her….don’t be that person! Here is GG in our Sunglasses from when they 1st came in. She was all over this pair and had to have them.
Wear what you want regardless of your age. Support other women and any time you think to yourself, “She looks GREAT, I wish I could pull that off. She’s so fun I love her style’”, say it out loud. Tell people- I promise it will make their day. I’ve made a conscious effort to say what I think (when appropriate) and always do my best to encourage other women. People need compliments and they are FREE!
We will always sell clothes for every BODY, to wear every WHERE, for ALL Generations. It’s something I’m proud of. Plus ,if I cut off my mom’s clothes supply she might quit babysitting and I’d be in A LOT of trouble!
XO Rach